Heartsaver CPR/AED/First Aid training – Blended Class

Class Schedule:



CPR Category: BLS

Description :

Heartsaver CPR/AED/First Aid training – Blended Class (Self-paced Online portion and Skills session in person)

The Heartsaver CPR/AED/First Aid Online course is taught in a blended learning format. Students must complete the online portion, followed by the hands-on skills session to receive a course completion card. This AHA’s Heartsaver courses is designed for anyone with little or no medical training who needs CPR/AED/First Aid training and a course completion card for a job, regulatory (e.g., OSHA), or other requirements. Heartsaver courses can also be taken by anyone in the community who wants to be prepared to act in an emergency.

Card issuing process

After you pay for the course please allow 24-48 hours for a course key from the American Heart Association to be emailed to you. Complete the online class portion at your pace. Once you complete the online portion print a copy of the proof of completion. Bring it with you to the class when you do your skills check off. Skill check off should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. Your card will be emailed immediately after completing the skill check-off successfully. Please call your instructor for any concerns or scheduling issues at 404-620-1000.


If you selected the option for a E-Book, please allow 24-48 hours for the E-Book link to be emailed to you. E-books are not necessary for this course. You will be given a hardcover book during check-offs for free if you would like one.  

Other info...

You must book and pay through this site. It is the student responsibility to know which class they need. If you need to reschedule your class please call the instructor at 404-620-1000. If the listed class times do not fit your schedule please call the instructor at 404-620-1000. Sometimes accommodations can be made. Thanks! TLH

*Spanish Version is available. If Spanish Version is needed please contact instructor at 404-620-1000 immediately when booking so spanish online portion will be assigned to you. Spanish class will be separate from English classes.*

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