Basic Life Support – Blended Class
Description :
*There has been a recent price increase of $5.00 for this course due to increasing cost for the online class from my supplier. Sorry. But thanks for your support!*
Basic Life Support – Blended Class (Self-paced Online portion and Skills session in person)
BLS blended class is a self-directed, online and in-person skills check-off class that uses adaptive learning technology to allow learners to acquire and demonstrate Basic Life Support skills using a personalized learning path that adapts in real time to a learner’s performance. The program is designed for healthcare professionals who need Basic Life Support training for their clinical duties. Students can work at their own pace applying their knowledge to real-time decision making. Debriefings and coaching are provided immediately after each knowledge check and each Cognitive Assessment Activity.
Card issuing process
After you pay for the course please allow 24-48 hours for a American Heart Association course key to be emailed to you. Complete the class at your pace. Once your online portion is complete print a copy of the test score. You must make a 84% to pass the online portion of the class. Then you must come to the classroom with your printed completion information and complete your skills check-off portion. Skills check off should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Your card will be emailed to you immediately after completing the skills check-off successfully. Please call your instructor for any concerns or scheduling issues at 404-620-1000.
If you select the option for the E-Book, please allow 24 - 48 hours for the E-Book link to be emailed to you. Hard copy books can be purchased during class.
Other info...
You must book and pay through this site. It is the student responsibility to know which class they need. If you need to reschedule your class please call the instructor at 404-620-1000. If the listed class times do not fit your schedule please call the instructor at 404-620-1000. Sometimes different accommodations can be made. Thanks! TLH